

Venison spare ribs pork tail, beef meatloaf kielbasa turkey rump turducken beef ribs ground round sirloin kevin hamburger. Boudin ham hock chicken,. Leberkas ham sausage doner pastrami porchetta tri-tip boudin shankle. Meatball shoulder rump spare ribs tongue venison short ribs. Flank landjaeger brisket leberkas bacon kielbasa shank meatball, fatback t-bone pork biltong boudin. Hamburger strip steak ribeye pastrami tenderloin.


Venison spare ribs pork tail, beef meatloaf kielbasa turkey rump turducken beef ribs ground round sirloin kevin hamburger. Boudin ham hock chicken,. Leberkas ham sausage doner pastrami porchetta tri-tip boudin shankle. Meatball shoulder rump spare ribs tongue venison short ribs. Flank landjaeger brisket leberkas bacon kielbasa.



After dabbling in travel writing, running a bed and breakfast and years in and out of the hospitality field disillusionment set in. If a different scene in a relatively small catchment area is what I was after, I was going to have to create it.


Our first event where we learned a ridiculous amount (my favourite lesson – whilst injecting white chocolate into a vodka infused chilli then dipped in dark chocolate is an epic garnish, it’s just a LITTLE fiddly for our 60 covers three nights in a row)  Steep learning curve doesn’t even touch it!


We are one year old and all grown up (ok, not really!) but we are certainly wiser, have some valuable events under our belts and have met some incredible people from regular Bite Clubbers (we do love our groupies!) to newcomers, suppliers and excellent and dedicated servers, bartenders and kitchen staff.


It’s Halloween so we’re taking Bite Club on a road trip. We’re talking huge stately home, live musicians, fancy dress, creative cocktails and fun, inventive menu. The biggest one so far and frankly we rocked!


Bite Club is evolving. Look out for more secret supper clubs, street food stalls, private parties and fingers crossed – a beach bar!

There is no sincerer love of food

than the love of food.

One cannot think, love, sleep well

if one has not dined well.

Laughter is brightest where food is best.

People who love to eat

are always the best people.

The staff

DOE The Female John

DOE The Female John

the chef

Doner filet mignon bacon corned beef rump, frankfurter sirloin brisket drumstick kielbasa ribeye boudin pancetta prosciutto.

DOE The John

DOE The John

the manager

Doner filet mignon bacon corned beef rump, frankfurter sirloin brisket drumstick kielbasa ribeye boudin pancetta prosciutto.

Peter de Joane

Peter de Joane

the online manager

Doner filet mignon bacon corned beef rump, frankfurter sirloin brisket drumstick kielbasa ribeye boudin pancetta prosciutto.

DOE The Female John

DOE The Female John

the chef

Doner filet mignon bacon corned beef rump, frankfurter sirloin brisket drumstick kielbasa ribeye boudin pancetta prosciutto.

We are hiring

We need 01 Chef, 02 Waiter, 01 Event manager and many supporters, Join Us Today !